RTP (Rubidium Titanyle Phosphate – RbTiOPO4) is an isomorph of KTP crystal which is used in nonlinear and Electro-Optical applications. It has advantages of high damage threshold (about 1.8 times of KTP), high resistivity, high repetition rate, no hygroscopic and no induced piezo-electric effect with electrical signals up to 60 kHz. Its transmission range is 350nm to 4500nm.
Basic Properties:
Crystal Structure | Orthorhombic |
Cell Parameters | a = 12.96 Å,b =10.56 Å, c =6.49 Å |
Mohs Hardness | ≈ 5 |
Density (g/cm3) | 3.6 |
Melting Point | About 1000℃ |
Thermal Expansion Coefficients (/K) | αx=1.01x10-5 αy =1.37x10-5 |
Sellmeier Equations (λ in μm) | nx2=2.15559 + 0.93307[1-(0.20994/λ)2] - 0.01452λ2 ny2=2.38494 + 0.73603[1-(0.23891/λ)2] - 0.01583 λ2 nz2=2.27723 + 1.11030[1-(0.23454/λ)2] - 0.01995λ2 |
Thermal-optical Coefficients (dλ/dT) | -0.029 nm /℃ |
Electro-optical Conatants (Y-cut) | r33=38.5 pm/V r23=12.5 pm/V r13=10.6 pm/V |
Electrical Resistivity | About 1011-1012ohm·cm |
Static Half Wave Voltage at 1064 nm | 4x4x20mm: 1,600 V 6x6x20mm: 2,400 V |
Extinction Ratio | >20dB@633nm |